How it all started...
Friendship Creekside is the revitalization of a body of believers who have met here since 1856. The Lord's faithfulness to have a church in this area has been proven time and time again with His constant provision of people, resources, and strategies. Our hope and prayer is that the Church would unify over the Truth of Jesus and that we do what we are called in order to grow the Kingdom of God.

Expanding the vision...
The only way to effectively reach, mend, train, and send believers is by building strong marriages, families, and communities centered around the Gospel. We seek to serve well and love often as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
Where we are headed...
Church is not a building. It's not a service. It's a time frame or liturgy structure. "Church" is a word used to describe the Bride of Christ. It is the children of God coming together to serve, commune, fellowship, and worship together on a regular basis. With tons of new growth happening in the area, Friendship Creekside seeks to reach the lost, mend hearts, and to train and send believers who will go out and make disciples in their family, community, and the world.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:45am!